Kyle Kingsley Photo - Cape Town, South Africa

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#12 Photography Contracts: Elevate Your Creative Business Game

Dear Reader,

As a new creative on the block, or established photographer looking to up your administrative legal game, it’s important to ensure that you cover your legal bases when engaging in transactions with important clients.

Are you an aspiring or established photographer, film maker or creative looking to empower your business with a well-thought-out Terms of Service Agreement, Licensing Agreement or Retainer Agreement template? Look no more. These templates have been drafted with the aid of a registered South African legal practitioner and a focus on photography.

Cheap as chips at R250 per template. Check them out by clicking on the images or link below.


These templates  serve as a comprehensive base from which you can further optimise to best suit your individual or business needs. These documents has been drafted with South African labour and copyright law in mind, but will serve as a good starting point for creatives in other countries. They will serve as an effective way to protect both parties from any unsavoury eventualities that may occur due to a misunderstanding or lack of communication.

Please note that these documents do not serve as legal advice. Kyle Kingsley is not a registered legal practitioner. I do not claim that this document will protect you from any legal recourse that may occur in your practice. 

I’d be happy to answer any questions pertaining to the drafting of your final documents.

Yours in levelling up your creative business game,


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