#08 The Timbavati Traverse - 45km Through Pure African wilderness

Hi friends and family!

I need your help! I'm taking part in the very first Timbavati Traverse on 18 September 2021 to help create awareness and generate financial support for rhino conservation in the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve. I will be running in a group of 20 athletes across 45km in big 5 territory in The Greater Kruger National Park. This is my very first ultra marathon, and with only a few weeks left to go, both myself and the wildlife in the Timbavati would appreciate every little bit of support we can get.

With the ongoing and ever-increasing threat to our wildlife, we are constantly having to up our game to counter the relentless pressure of illegal poaching of our natural heritage.
With the unity, collective efforts and dedication of many, from canine units, rangers on foot, anti-poaching & aerial teams and concerned citizens like you, we can make a difference in protecting our rhinos.

As many of you know, wildlife conservation is a cause that is close to my heart. It is our duty as humans to conserve the wild we have left on earth. If you can, please donate to my fundraising project on GivenGain! Every little bit helps to make a difference.

Please share this to anyone who may be interested in supporting the cause.

All funds raised will be used for the protection of our rhinos and wildlife in the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve.

Please have a look at the below links for additional information:

Donate via GivenGain: https://www.givengain.com/ap/kyle-green-raising-funds-for-timbavati-private-nature-reserve/

Timbavati Traverse ePamphlet: https://timbavati.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Timbavati-Traverse-2021-ePamphlet.pdf

Timbavati Traverse Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sKyxcnJiAg

Kyle Kingsley Timbavati Photo Gallery: https://www.kylekingsley.com/timbavati-private-nature-reserve

“With the wildlife. For the wildlife”

Kyle Green